Focus on Change is a short-term, five session therapy designed to address the stuckness that we all feel at times.

I have distilled the most effective therapeutic techniques from my more than forty years in private practice to create an approach geared to purposeful and lasting change without the expenditure of time and money that most conventional therapies demand.

If you are feeling stuck in any of the following areas you may want to consider Focus on Change as a means to moving forward:

  • Stuckness can have to do with wellness – the desire to achieve levels of fitness and a healthy lifestyle but having difficulty sustaining your efforts.
  • Stuckness may also have to do with career and educational goals, creative aspirations and self improvement projects that seem to remain on the shelf, waiting to get done.
  • For some, stuckness has to do with wanting to meet someone or to sustain a meaningful relationship while repeating old patterns that have caused problems in the past.
  • Often, anxiety, low mood and certain self-defeating thoughts or “habits of mind,” can get in the way of finding and following through on solutions.

To learn more about “Focus on Change,” please click on: What is Focus on Change?, Common Questions, and About Me.

Or you may want to contact Lewis Epstein for a free phone consultation to see if Focus on Change is the right type of therapy for you.